young blind person in city on steps

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Thriving Blind in Transitions COLLEGE SUCCESS SERIES




85% = Drop Out Rate of college students that are blind or low vision (National Federation of the Blind)

Thriving Blind Academy (TBA) is committed to ending the college dropout crisis for blind/low vision students. The groundbreaking TBA programs equip our members with the success mindset needed to succeed without sight (in addition to skills of blindness/low vision).



Three young women and two young men wearing blue graduation caps and gowns. All have arms pumped in the air and are smiling
Young man wearing a graduation cap and his blue grad gown is flung over his shoulder. He is smiling standing in front of a building on a college campus


Imagine having the keys to unlock your full potential at college – the kind of success that goes beyond mobility training and assistive technology. These 3 key principles are the secret sauce that the 15% of students that are blind or low vision who successfully navigate college without dropping out know and practice. Curious to discover what they are? Grab your FREE download now and equip yourself with the insights you need to thrive in your college journey. Let's rewrite the narrative together and set the stage for your remarkable success!

Thriving Blind Academy logo on laptop, cell phone and tablet screens

Do More Than Survive Blindness... THRIVE!

Ready to seize control of your destiny? Join Thriving Blind Academy today and step into the life of your dreams, not the one others dictate for you.

"Thank you for the college success program! My son got great information. He is already using the tips about building a social life on campus and is meeting tons of people!"

- Parent of a blind college freshman

Contact Us at [email protected]